The Parish Council is consulted on all Planning Applications under consideration and these are updated on a regular basis when new applications are received.
You can access the Milton Keynes website to obtain full details of each planning application by clicking on the Planning Application Number below: Please note that a link is provided if the details of the planning application are available to view on the Milton Keynes Council website.

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Planning Applications


Woburn Farm, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill

To sever the ivy at the base of the tree, carry out a 30% crown reduction and remove deadwood of Ash (T1) and the removal of deadwood of Ash (T2)


Land Between Bletchley and Woburn Sands associated with the Route Corridor of the East West Rail Project.

East West Rail - Consultation on draft Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC) under s.47(2) Planning Act 2008.


18 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

The demolition of existing attached garage, erection of front veranda, part two storey side / rear extension with first floor glazed balustrade, and a single storey detached garage.


Land at Watsons Field, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The crown lifting to approx. 2.7m (9ft) of Cherry trees (T1, T3, T4, T5, T6, T10, T20, T48, T52, T53, T54 & T55), White Beam trees (T2, T19, T35, T36 & T37), Ash trees (T7, T8, T11, T26, T28, T34, T41, T50, T58 & T59), Rowan trees (T9 & T61), Lime trees (T12, T17, T21 & T56), Silver Birch trees (T13, T15 & T16), Pine trees (T14, T18 & T60), Willow (T22), Oak trees (T23, T24, T25, T27), Field Maple trees (T29, T30, T43 & T44), Cedar (T31), Beech trees (T32, T33, T49 & T51), Norway Maple trees (T38, T39 & T40), Horse Chestnut (T42), Alder trees (T45 & T47), Sycamore (T46), and Crab Apple (T57) for safety reasons.


The White House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Change of use from bed and breakfast (Class C1) to dwelling house (Class C3) with associated alterations. Removal of the external staircase.


Chestnut Lodge, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

The lateral reduction by up to 3m of two Silver Maple trees (1 & 2), the reduction by 3m of limbs overhanging house of two Pine trees (3 & 4), and the height reduction by 10m to suitable lateral growth of three Pine trees (5, 6 and 7).


18 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

The removal of 5x Silver Birch trees (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 1x Leylandii (13) and 1x Weeping Willow tree (14).


The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The reduction in height from 25m tall to 22m tall and reshaping crown to good form (by up to 2m) of Horse chestnut (T1) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no PS/540/15/142.


1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Variation of condition 1 (Approved plans) of permission ref. 23/02313/FULM seeking to enclose external porch, replace window with door and replace car parking space on north-east side of dwelling with additional rooms (relating to permission ref. 20/00193/FUL Demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling).


Marignane, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The felling to ground level of Goat Willow (T1) which currently stands approximately 11m in height as it is too big for the size of the garden.


1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans - seeking proposed roofing over of the additional parking space to provide a first floor terrace, associated hard landscaping alterations and the modification of the glazing to the north-east elevation) of permission ref. 22/00028/FULMMA for the Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of permission ref. 20/00193/FUL seeking an additional parking space, move of external steps and retaining wall, the insertion of a window into the lower ground floor study, and 4no rooflights to south-east elevation relating to the demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling.


1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans - seeking proposed roofing over of the additional parking space to provide a first floor terrace, associated hard landscaping alterations and the modification of the glazing to the north-east elevation) of permission ref. 22/00028/FULMMA for the Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of permission ref. 20/00193/FUL seeking an additional parking space, move of external steps and retaining wall, the insertion of a window into the lower ground floor study, and 4no rooflights to south-east elevation relating to the demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling.


Willow House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of a detached dwelling with associated parking, a 3 bay detached carport with loft storage and external stairs associated with Willow House, and alterations and extension of the existing access drive.


Orchard Cottage, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed conversion of the existing attached store into a WC/utility area.


Warren Farm Cottages, 1 Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Approval of details required by conditions 4 (Proposed Brickwork), 5 (Proposed Rooftiles), 6 (Proposed Rooflights), 7 (Brick verges and valley exits) of permission ref. 22/00176/FUL.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Holly (T1-T2) - Fell and mechanically grind stumps.


Land to the North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Use to confirm that on-site works constitute an implementation of works approved under permission ref 22/00028/FULMMA.


Land off Church Road, Little Brickhill.

Installation of pumping station, concrete access, surge vessel, and security fencing.


10 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

The crown reduction by 3m in height and crown raising to 2.5m above ground of Weeping Willow (T1)(current height 10m), and the hard reduction of sides (to retain green) and height reduction by 1.5m of group of Conifers (TG1)(current height 4m).


Land to the North of 1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Non-material amendment seeking to vary the wording of Condition 9 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan) to amend it from being required to be discharged precommencement to being discharged prior to any works taking place above slab level. (Relating to permission ref 22/00028/FULMMA for Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of permission ref. 20/00193/FUL seeking an additional parking space, move of external steps and retaining wall, the insertion of a window into the lower ground floor study, and 4no rooflights to south-east elevation relating to the demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling)


Bryhulle, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The removal to ground level of 6m tall dead Willow (T1), 12m tall Cypress tree (T2), 9m tall dead Birch tree (T3) and removal of 10m tall Robinia tree (T4) in a conservation area.


Chestnut Lodge ,Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

The crown reduction by 1m all the way around and reduction of 2m in height of Beech Tree (T1) and Chestnut Tree (T2) currently over 60ft in height.


Land at Eaton Leys, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill.

Approval of details required by condition 24 (Landscape and Ecology Management Plan) of permission ref. 15/01533/OUTEIS.


Land North of 1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Approval of details required by condition 9 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan) of permission ref. 22/00028/FULMMA.


Fairview, 1 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

Provision of a new dropped kerb to a classified road and creation of off-road parking for 2 vehicles.


Land North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Demolition of the existing garages and erection of dwellinghouse with access off Watling Street and associated hard and soft landscaping works.


Land North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Approval of details required by conditions 3 (Schedule of external materials), 5 (Biycle parking), 7 (EV charging), 8 (Arboricultural method statement), 9 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme and Management Plan), 11 (Archaeology written scheme of investigation), 12 (SuDS), and 13 (Landscaping/boundary treatments) of permission ref. 22/00028/FULMMA.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

The removal to ground level and stump treatment of the Horse Chestnut (T1).


Woburn Farm, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

The pruning back of branches by 2 metres to a height of 5 metres above the road of 2x Ash trees (T1 and T2).


Community Centre, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The felling close to ground level of 2x Pine (T1 & T2) and 3x Silver Birch (T3, T4 & T5).


Willow House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed installation of 20 solar panels on the south facing roof.


Land West of Woburn Sands and South of Wavendon, Newport Road,

Outline application (matters of access to be considered, with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for residential development with access from the Bow Brickhill Road to comprise up to 335 dwellings (use class C3), formal and informal open spaces including playing fields, site for a pavilion, a local play area, creation of public rights of way and other associated works and operations including, but not limited to demolition, earthworks, and engineering operations (including utilities and drainage).


Great Firs, Little Brickhill Lane, Great Brickhill, Buckinghamshire.

Change of use of the land to a commercial quad biking operation (retrospective).


8 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

To carry out a crown clean process to ensure the longevity of these two specimen trees. Crown lift lower canopy by 4m removing all dead wood present in canopy. Thinning canopy by 10% targeting elongated laterals that can be reduced to growth points to the natural growth line of the tree. This will alleviate stress on unions to prevent future failure.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Works to a 15m tall multi-stem Horse Chestnut (T1) protected by Milton Keynes Council Tree Preservation Order no. PS/540/15/39. The crown reduction and reshape by 2m, the crown thin by 20%, the removal of x3 small stems to main trunks, the crown lift to 3.5m, the clearance around BT wires to give 1m clearance, the removal of ivy.


Fox Farm, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill.

Outline application (matters of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for the erection of a dwelling replacing an existing building.


Fox Farm, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill.

Outline application (matters of access, layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for the erection of a dwelling replacing an existing building.


Land between Brogborough, Lidlington and Marston Moretaine.

Outline Application: development for up to 5,000 new homes specialist residential accommodation, up to 30ha of employment land, retail, community, open spaces, leisure and sport uses, hotel uses, four lower schools, two middle schools, one upper school, woodland planting, waterbodies and waterway links, ecological areas, accesses, cycle and pedestrian routes, supporting infrastructure, ground remodelling, landscaping and demolition works.


Willow House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garages/carports, a 3-bay detached carport with loft storage and external stairs associated with Willow House, and alterations and extension of the existing access drive.


Willow House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of two detached dwellings with associated garages/carports, a 3-bay detached carport with loft storage and external stairs associated with Willow House, and alterations and extension of the existing access drive.


The Chesters, 2 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Single storey rear extension and porch extension.

22/00736/FUL & 22/00872/LBC

Brooke Cottage, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of front and side dwarf walls to demarcate boundary and create new planted bedding area.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of a first floor rear extension and retaining walls in garden to form terrace.


Land Forming Part South East Milton Keynes Strategic Urban Extension South of Milton Keynes North of Bow Brickhill, North of Bow Brickhill Road and Woburn Sands Road Milton Keynes.

Outline application (matters of principle access to be considered with matters of layout, scale, appearance and landscaping reserved) for mixed-use urban extension comprising residential development, secondary and primary schools, local centre (including retail, commercial and community uses), landscaped green infrastructure and public open space, access roads and associated highways improvements, surface water drainage and associated infrastructure works.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The erection of a first floor rear extension and retaining walls in garden to form terrace.


Warren Farm Cottages, 1 Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

The demolition of existing single-storey rear extension and erection of part two storey, part single-storey rear extension (Resubmission of 21/01152/FUL).


Land North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Variation of condition 1 (Approved Plans) of permission ref. 20/00193/FUL seeking an additional parking space, move of external steps and retaining wall, and the insertion of a window into the lower ground floor study, relating to the demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling.


Land North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Non-material amendment to permission ref. 20/00193/FUL seeking the insertion of 4no rooflights to south-east elevation relating to the demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling.


The White House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Notification of the intention to pollard Horse Chestnut trees T1 and T2 to 3 metres in height to previous pollard points.


New Water Pipeline Reservoir, Church Road, Bow Brickhill To Little Brickhill Copse.Little Brickhill Milton Keynes

Screening request under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations 2017 relating to a proposed 2 kilometre potable water pipeline between the proposed Brickhill Copse Pumping Station and the existing Bow Brickhill reservoir.


12 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

Works to Willow tree - reduce in height by 6 metres, sides by 3-4 metres to cut back to growth position.


Greystones, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes.

The removal of the maple tree in rear garden to ground level due to die back and over shadowing. approx 6 meters tall.


4 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Works to Horse Chestnut (T1) - Remove to ground level and treat stump.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes.

The removal to ground level and grind out stump of T1 Maple.


Land off A5, Checkley Wood Farm, Watling Street, Leighton Buzzard.

Variation of Conditions 2 and 22 of planning permission CB/16/01389/FULL Installation of a single wind turbine with a maximum tip height of 143.5m (hub height 100m; rotor diameter of 87.0m), substation, hardstanding area, access track, underground cabling and associated infrastructure. The variation is to increase the rotor diameter of the wind turbine from 87.0m to 115.0m. This will also marginally increase the maximum turbine tip height from 143.5m to 147.0m.


Marignane, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Single storey front extension and replacement roof tiles.


Land Adjacent to Junction 10 to 10A M1, Newlands Road (North Site), Luton.

Outline proposals, with all matters reserved except for access (Plots A, B, C and D), for a mixed-use development comprising: commercial, business and service uses (including retail and leisure floorspace); flexible commercial and business floorspace; car and cycle parking; and associated access, highways, utilities, drainage, landscaping, and associated ancillary works and structures.


Land Adjacent to Junction 10 to 10A M1, Newlands Road (North Site), Luton.

Outline proposals, with all matters reserved except for access (Plots A, B, C and D), for a mixed-use development comprising: commercial, business and service uses (including retail and leisure floorspace); flexible commercial and business floorspace; car and cycle parking; and associated access, highways, utilities, drainage, landscaping, and associated ancillary works and structures.


Woburn Golf and Country Club, Bow Brickhill to Little Brickhill Road, Little Brickhill.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge Conditions 4 (Foul & Surface Water Drainage Scheme) & 7 (Biodiversity Enhancement Scheme) attached to planning application 20/02036/FUL.


Pineapple House, 2 Eversden Close, Little Brickhill.

Non-material amendment to application reference 20/03176/FUL for the installation of solar panels to rear roof slope.


Warren Farm Cottages, 1 Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Demolition of existing single-storey rear extension and erection of two-storey rear extension.


6 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

Single storey extension to front and side. Roof alteration to pitched roof from approved flat roof (Resubmission 21/00367/FUL).


1 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Notification of intention to: Sycamore (T1) and Beech (T2) - reduce the canopy by 4 to 5 meters in height and 2 meters lateral branches.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Alterations to Ground Floor Windows.


Bryerley Springs Farm, Galley Lane, Great Brickhill, MK17 9AA.

Erection of 12m high wind turbine.


Land at A5 Between Beds Boundary and Little Brickhill Bypass, Milton Keynes.

Hedgerow notification to remove max. 40m of hedgerow to facilitate the laying of approx. 566m of 280mm HPPE SDR21 pipe. The hedgerow requires removal to install start and end connection and to install pipe at safe distance from root protection area of mature oak


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Tree Preservation Order Consent for T1, T2 and T3 - Horse Chestnuts - Reshape crown by 2m on each tree to keep the trees tidy and healthy and prevent overhang on the foot path.


6 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

Single storey extension to front and side to create storage and home office.


Pineapple House, 2 Eversden Close, Little Brickhill.

Certificate of lawfulness for single storey rear extension, conversion of garage to habitable room, addition of conservation rooflight to bedroom 4.


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 5 (Biodiversity Enhancement), 6 (Finished Floor Levels), 7 (Hard/Soft Landscaping), 8 (Boundary Treatments) 11 (Drainage Scheme) and 12 (Drainage Maintenance) attached to planning permission 20/02486/FUL.


8 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes

Single storey rear extension, first floor extension over existing garage and minor elevational alterations


Pineapple House, 2 Eversden Close, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes

Erection of single storey attached garage to the side


Pineapple House, 2 Eversden Close, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed single storey rear extension, conversion of garage to habitable room, addition of steel flue to ground floor, addition of conservation rooflight to BR4


26 Wyness Avenue, Little Brickhill.

Two storey side extension with amendments to external boundary finish at


Wainstones, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Notification of intention to reduce 1x Ash tree by 2.5-3 metres height and lateral branches (same) to match & reduce 1x Sycamore tree by 2-3 metres and bring in lateral branches (same) to match.


Community Centre, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Notification of tree work - Car Park T1 Silver Birch in decline Fell to ground level and grind out stump T2 Ash Prune back overhang by 2m to clear neighbouring property T3 Ash by Hall Raise crowns to 4m to clear building Watling Street Boundary G1 Shrubs Prune by 2m overhang to road to provide a 3m clearance over path.


1 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Tree Preservation Order consent for Horse chestnut (T1) - Reduce stem over garage by 2.5 m, reduce stems over neighbours drive and road by 2.5m to reduce overhang, Crown clean canopy.


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

Two storey detached dwelling


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

Conifer Trees T1 and T2 Crown reduce by 2m to a height of 7m, Conifer tree T3 crown reduce by 2m to a height of 8m.


Tall Timbers, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Front Garden T1 Horse Chestnut remove to ground level, grind out stump, remove all grindings and rake level, T2 Horse Chestnut 12m, re-pollard to previous points to 6m in height.


Home Farm, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Notification of intention to fell self seeded ash tree because it is blocking access.


In Field South West of Eaton Leys between A4146 and A5 South of Kelly's Kitchen. Roundabout

Hedgerow Removal Notice - Removal of 12m on hedgerow for reinforcement of pipes associated with 600 new dwellings.


Woburn Golf and Country Club, Bow Brickhill to Little Brickhill Road, Little Brickhill.

Erection of a single storey building to provide a Putter Performance Centre within the grounds of Woburn Golf Club.


Wainstones, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Proposal to fell Hazel (1) as interfering with telephone wires and fell Fir (2) as too overgrown for site.


The Stables, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

Notification of intention to reduce Cypress in height by 50% (report 10.2) and reduce Ash crown volume (report 10.3) in accordance with arboricultural report.


Land at Eaton Leys, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 4 (Junction and associated pedestrian and footway works) attached to planning permission 18/02397/REM


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Consent for works to TPO PS/540/15/39. Crown reduction to Oak and four Horse Chestnuts by 5-6m (T4, T5, T6, T7) and reduce branches facing the back of the property by 1-2m to prevent the trees encroaching on the property.


Ashbourne, 6 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Notification of intention to T1 - Oak - Remove dead wood and shape tree by up to 1m, T2 - Ash - Reduce by 6m and shape to balance.


8 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Root pruning to one Wellingtonia to facilitate the installation of a root barrier, trenching approximately 6 linear metres to approx. 1.4 m deep.


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

Non material amendment to application 19/01711/FUL to amend fenestration to suit internal layout and amended external materials in part to match the adjacent dwelling.


Fox Farm, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill.

Details submitted pursuant to discharge condition 3 (stable block construction) attached to planning application 18/01048/FUL.


Brannams, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Single storey rear extension.


The Chesters, 2 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Tree Preservation Order Consent for - T1 Maple Tree - reduce back by roughly 2 meters - T2 Silver Birch - reshape crown back by roughly 2 meters to previous points and prune overhangs over garden - T3 Blue Cedar - reduce and reshape crown by 25% & trim overhangs back to fence line.


Oakwood House, 19 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

Erection of a timber stable block consisting of three stables and one tack room in the land to the rear of Oakwood House, 19 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.


Land North of The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Demolition of existing garages and erection of one dwelling (Re-submission of application 19/01943/FUL).


Laurels, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Proposed extensions and alterations to front and rear of property.


Woburn Farm, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill

Demolition /conversion of existing buildings on the site, erection of 10 dwellings (including 3 affordable units) with associated access, parking and landscaping


16 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill.

First floor side and rear extension, pitched roof over garage, replacement roof tiles, windows and render to walls.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.

Tree notification for reduction of crown 4 trees (T7, T6, T5, T4) by 50% in garden to stop encroachment on building.


1 Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Demolition of existing garages and erection of dwellings at Land North of 1 Clock House


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill.

New build.


Glebe Farm, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Prior Approval change of use from class B1(a) to class C3.


Former Little Brickhill Service Station, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Variation of condition 1 (Plans) attached to planning permission 18/03057/FUL.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Listed building consent for Single storey rear extension, the provision of a rear flat roofed dormer over staircase and bathroom.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Single storey rear extension, the provision of a rear flat roofed dormer over staircase and bathroom.


Hunters Farm Shop, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Prior notification of a proposed agricultural building.


Little Brickhill Service Station, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Construction of six detached dwellings and access road.


Little Brickhill Service Station, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Demolition of former petrol station and erection of five dwellings with associated access works


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill

Two storey front extension; raising of roof; single storey side extension and new detached double garage


Brannams, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Single storey rear extension


The Community Centre, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Replacement windows within conservation area


Woburn Golf and Country Club, Bow Brickhill to Little Brickhill Road

Demolition of the existing log cabin staff amenity and construction of new log cabin staff amenity building


Land at Eaton Leys off A4146 Milton Keynes

Reserved matters application for primary access into the development comprising of a traffic signal controlled junction with at grade pedestrian crossing facilities and a bus stop attached to 15/01533/OUTEIS


North Cottage, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, MK17 9LS

Alterations internally and externally to ground and first floor.


Barclay House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, MK17 9NB

Replacement windows and door to property.


7 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to replace two Ash Trees (which fell because of damage to root system) with the planting of four Silver Birch saplings.


Panel Well, 4 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill

Single storey front extension, single storey side extension, two storey rear extension to front elevation modification to existing dwelling.


Panel Well, 4 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill

Demolition of existing building and erection of one infill dwelling


Fox Farm, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill

Proposed stable block and replacement manege.


The White House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to remove regrowth (approx 2.5m) back to previous points to re-establish as a pollard as part of regular maintenance G1 – 2 x Chestnut.


The White House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Extension to bar cellar.


Land at Levante Gate, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill

An outline proposal with all matters reserved for development of land to the south of the A5 and east of the A4146, Milton Keynes for up to 500 homes, including 40% affordable homes; a 1 Form Entry Primary School; a local Centre, open space and associated works.


Saint Mary Magdalen’s Church, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to Crown lift to give adequate clearance in full leaf T1 (English Yew) T4, T5 and T6 (Ash) Remove. Remove to enable re-planting of slope T7 (Elm) Remove to eliminate risk of damage to boundary wall (T19 Laurel) Crown reduce over footpath, large diameter limbs to be removed T20 and T21 (Irish Yew) Reduce radial spread toward the fabric of the church to give 1.5m clearance in full leaf by sympathetic reduction of particular limbs. T26 (Irish Yew). Remove to avoid incursion onto Irish Yew T27 (Holly) Two eccentric limbs to East to be removed T30 (Irish Yew) Cut back hard on both sides and reduce height for ease of maintenance 31 (Beech hedge). at Saint Mary Magdalen’s Church, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.


Land at Levante Gate, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill

Screening opinion in respect of proposed development for up to 625 dwellings together with associated amenity and open space, landscaping and access.


The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to sectionally fell to ground level & grind out stump to 1 x Yew Tree (T1) and remove deadwood to 1 x Horse Chestnut Tree (T2).


Court House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Tree preservation order consent for reduction of a horse chestnut tree by 6 metres


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Crown reduce by 50% 3 x Horse Chestnut trees (T5, T6 and T7).


Panel Well, 4 Great Brickhill Lane, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9NH

Erection of 1 x 2 Bedroom Bungalow


25 Wyness Avenue, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9NG

First floor side extension.


Land to the rear of Little Brickhill Service Station, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Re-development of land to the rear of a former petrol filling station, including the erection of 6 detached dwellings, access road, hardstanding, boundary treatments and soft landscaping (resubmission 16/00651/FUL).


The Glen, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Remove render to existing back facade and raise part of the roof on the back section of the existing house. Single storey rear extension


8 The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Remove to ground level 2x Indian Chestnut trees (T1 and T2); Remove to ground level 1x Wellingtonia (T3); Remove deadwood (>25mm), remove south-eastern most stem overhanging adjacent garages and sever a 1 metre section of Ivy at base of stem to 1x False Acacia (T4); Remove 6 smaller-diameter stems leaving 1 central stem and sever 1 metre section of Ivy on remaining stem to 1x Sycamore (T5).


7 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LN

Tree preservation order consent to fell 1 x Ash tree.


Ash House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Two storey side extension.


The Glen, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LR

Single storey rear extension.


Tantallon, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9NS

Notification of intention to reduce in height 6 x Chamaecyparis (False Cypress) to 5 metres.


The Old Green Man, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LU

Variation of condition 27 (protection of ‘sandstone wall’) attached to planning permission 14/01409/FUL to propose to take down the ‘sandstone wall’ and re-build it at a lower level.


High Barn, Woburn Road, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9NA

Notification of intention to fell x 6 Birch trees (T1-5 and T7) and fell 1x Pine (T6).


2C The Clock House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to cut 12 x Leyland Cypress trees to ground level.


High Acres, Fox Farm Road, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9NS

Notification of intention to reduce height of laurel bush by 2m and removal of ash tree to ground level.


Hunters View, 5 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to fell and remove 1x Sycamore tree as the trunk is badly cracked and in a dangerous condition with the likelihood of coming down in high winds.


9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

First floor extension over existing garage and two storey side extension including demolition of the front wall of the garage. 9 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill.


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LU

Renovation of outbuilding.


6 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to fell 1 Horse Chestnut tree to ground level


The View, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to fell and grind out stump 1 x Norway Maple (T3), fell 1 x Silver Birch (T4) and to fell and treat stump 1 x Ash (T5)


Hunters View, 5 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Tree preservation order consent to reduce by 5 metres in height (40%) to the level as previously to 4x Silver Birch trees (A); reduce in height by 4 metres as previously to 1x Eucalyptus tree (B); to remove 5 branches, approximately 15 metres per branch, overhanging the menage area to 3x Beech trees (C); reduce in height by 5 metres 1x Cherry tree (D); pollard reduction down to 5 metres high to 1x Poplar tree leaning badly and 2 branches reduced by 5 metres each to 1x Poplar tree (E)


6 Wyness Avenue, Little Brickhill

First floor rear extension


The Former Old Green Man, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Erection of two carports including studio space serving the previously approved dwellings Plots 4 & 5


The View, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Tree preservation order consent to fell 1 x Sycamore (T2) and remove overhanging branches back to boundary line up to a height of 10 meters above ground level to 1 x Horse Chestnut (T12).


Sunnyside, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LU

AMENDED PROPOSAL – Listed building consent for the demolition of existing W/C and garage, internal alterations, repair / replacement of existing windows and single storey rear extension


Little Brickhill Service Station Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Redevelopment of former petrol filling station site to provide five dwellings (resubmission of 15/01148/FUL)


Land at Great Firs, Little Brickhill Lane, Great Brickhill

Change of use of land to use as quad bike track with associated facilities (part retrospective)


The Chesters, 2 Brickhill Manor Court, Little Brickhill

Tree Work


At Land at Eaton Leys, Galley Lane, Little Brickhill

Outline planning application with all matters reseved for the demolition of all existing farm buildings (except farmhouse) and the development of up to 1800 dwellings, a local centre to include retail and a community centre, one 1 form of entry primary school, one 2 forms of entry primary school, associated highway infrastructure including two proposed vehicular accesses with the A4146, two proposed pedestrian and cycle bridge crossing the river Ouzel, multi-functional public open space, informal amenity space, children’s play space, open space incorporating the scheduled monument, playing fields, allotments, surface water attenuation and strategic landscaping, and associated services and utilities infrastructure (cross boundary application with Aylesbury Vale District Council)


Little Brickhill Service Station Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Redevelopment of former petrol filling station site to provide six dwellings.


2 Brickhill Manor Court

Notification of intention to prune all overhanging branches.


1 Brickhill Manor Court

Tree preservation order consent for work.


Lion House, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LU

Proposal to remove the outbuilding on the site and construct a new detached 4 bedroom dwelling house with integral garage


Land at Watsons Field. Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to remove self-set Ash and Lime trees close to the Stables property


Mulberry Cottage, Watling Street, Little Brickhill, Milton Keynes, MK17 9LS

Rear conservatory


Bounded to North by Watling Street, A4146 to East and South and River Ouzel to West Milton Keynes.At Galley Lane in Little Brickhill

Scoping opinion request for the demolition of all existing farm buildings (except existing farmhouse) and the development of up to 1,900 dwellings including affordable housing; a local centre to include retail, a community centre and health centre; one 1 form of entry primary school; one 2 forms of entry primary school; vehicular accesses with the A4146; two proposed pedestrian and cycle bridges crossing the River Ouzel; multi-function public open space to include an extension of the Linear Park network, informal amenity open space; children’s play space, open space incorporating the Scheduled Monument, playing fields, allotments, surface water attenuation and strategic landscaping at Land at Eaton Leys.


At Galley Lane in Little Brickhill

Installation of electric vehicle rapid charge unit


The Old Green Man in Little Brickhill.

Conversion of former pub to 3 residential dwellings and erection of 2 dwellings


The Old Orchard, Watling Street, Little Brickhill

Two storey rear extension


2A The Clock House in Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to fell 2 x Horse Chestnut Trees (T1)


7 Brickhill Manor Court Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LN

Tree preservation order consent to fell 1 x Horse Chestnut tree


Former The Old Green Man Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LU

Certificate of lawfulness for the existing use of the land as garden land and parking for the public house


Land To Front of 3/4 Dukes Cottages Watling Street Little Brickhill

Notification of intention to pollard 1 x Horse Chestnut tree


4 Chew Cottages Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LZ

Conversion of existing store to bathroom, amendments to rear windows and door and rendering of dwelling


Ash House Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Minor material amendments to planning permission 13/02451/FUL; increase depth and height of inglenook; modify roofline; larger velux windows; addition of small window at front to provide extra light


Ash House Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Tree preservation order consent to remove 1 x Ash tree and replant with Norway Maple ‘Crimson King;’ tree


Mcdonalds Restaurant Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 3 (travel plan – site audit and staff travel surveys) attached to planning permission 12/01095/FUL


1 The Clock House Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NR

Tree preservation order consent to shorten laterals towards house by 1 metre to 1x Sycamore tree (T1); shorten laterals towards house by 0.5 metres to 1x Beech tree (T2) and fell 1x Horse Chestnut tree(T3)


Ash House Rear of Balmacara Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Single storey inglenook side extension and infill of carport


Home Farm Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LU

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 3 (roof materials), 4 (brick sample), 5 (doors details) and 7 (rainwater goods) attached to application 13/00188/LBC


6 Brickhill Manor Court Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LN

Notification of intention to fell 1 x Cedar tree


5 Brickhill Manor Court Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LN

Notification of intention to crown reduce to previous reduction points of 1x Eucalyptus tree


7 Wyness Avenue Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NG

Two storey and part single storey rear extensions (re-submission of 13/00518/FUL)


5 Wyness Avenue Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NG

Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed conversion of outhouse


Balmacara Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 9 (surfacing) attached to planning permission 10/02436/FUL


7 Wyness Avenue Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NG

Two storey and part single storey rear extensions


Orchard Cottage Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LY

Notification of intention to undertake tree work to Holly tree groups (D1 and D2)


Tantallon Fox Farm Road Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NS

Notification on intention to fell one Silver Birch tree


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Advertisement consent for addition of McDonalds signage to existing free-standing totem sign


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 5 (Goods Delivery Management Plan) attached to planning permission 12/01095 /FUL and 12/02469/MMAM


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Non Material Amendment to planning permission 12/02469/MMAM to move one door; retrack drive thru lane and kerbline


Home Farm Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LU

Listed building consent for two-storey and single-storey rear extensions and replacement windows (Resubmission of 12/00608/LBC)


Home Farm Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LU

Erection of two-storey and single-storey rear extensions and replacement windows (Resubmission of 12/00607/FUL)


Wainstones Watling Street Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9PB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 2 (replacement tree details) attached to planning consent 12/02149/TPO


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Advert consent to install a 9M freestanding pole sign with 24 hour appendage


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Minor Material Amendment to planning permission 12/01095/FUL in order to introduce side by side ordering to reduce queue lengths


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 5 (goods delivery management plan) attached to planning permission 12/01095/FUL


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Advertisement consent to display a variety of signage including 1 x gateway height restrictor, 10 x freestanding signs, 2 x banner signs and 5 x dot signs


George Farm Bungalow George Farm Close Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9LT

Erection of a single storey side extension


The Stables Woburn Road Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9NA

Notification of intention to fell one Cedar tree


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Details submitted pursuant to discharge of condition 6 (materials) attached to planning permission 12/01095/FUL


Former Little Chef Galley Lane Little Brickhill Milton Keynes MK17 9RB

Variation of condition 3 of planning permission 12/01095/FUL to vary wording to enable accurate data gathering


Brooke Cottage, Watling Street, Little Brickhill.

Erection of front and side dwarf walls to demarcate boundary and create new planted bedding area behind.